Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Blog Post.

I've spent years of my life talking about sports nonstop and being told that I should write about them.  Whether or not that's just because people were sick of hearing me is debatable but either way I'm writing now.  This is going to be a sports blog that mostly just covers the three major sports... Basketball, Baseball, and of course the Mac Daddy that is Football.  I will not be covering Hockey or Soccer here as they don't really excite me... at all.  There will probably be an MMA post or two on occasion and I'll likely use this space as a place where I can sound off if I feel the need to on anything pop-culture/real world related.  Also the simple layout of the blog will remain that way for now.  I'm going for readability at the moment though if anyone wanted to volunteer to spruce this space up I wouldn't argue.  Also plan on putting together a podcast of some sort once I figure out what to talk about and possibly find someone to talk with.

Also be sure to follow me on twitter @bigderfsports (www.twitter.com/bigderfsports) where you'll get links to all my updates here plus whatever I think of thats 140 characters or less to talk about.

And stay tuned right here for NFL Divisional Playoff previews which I'll start posting later today.

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